SRM 2022 Photos
Founders' Medal Award

2022 - C. Mel Wilcox, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2021 - Charles S. Wingo, MD, University of Florida - accepted in 2022 due to COVID-19 restrictions
Mentor of the Year Award

Post-Graduate Category - S. Calvin Thigpen, MD, University of Mississippi Medical Center

Student Category - Hui-Chen Hsu, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tinsley Harrison Award

Nickolas Dreher, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
"Policy Interventions, Social Distancing, And Sars-Cov-2 Transmission In The United States: A Retrospective State-Level Analysis"
SSCI Research Scholar Award

Shigeki Saito, MD, Tulane University School of Medicine
"Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) as a Therapy for Pulmonary Fibrosis"
SSCI Awards
SSCI Young Investigators Award

Vibhu Parcha, MD, University of Alabama Birmingham
"Association Of Transthyretin Val122ile Variant With Incident Heart Failure And Mortality Among Black Americans: Insights From The Regards Study"

Fatima Alduraibi, MD, University of Alabama Birmingham
"B-Cell Interferon-B Correlates With Lupus Nephritis In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus"

Vipin Varghese, MD, Ochsner Health, The University of Queensland
"Dicarbonyl L-Xylulose Reductase (Dcxr) As A Diagnostic Marker For Muddy Brown Granular Casts And Acute Tubular Injury"
Nathan Solomon & Irene Oransky-Solomon Medical Student Awards

First Place
Daniel Irelan, University of South Alabama College of Medicine
"Pan- Or Subtype-Selective Phosphodiesterase-4 Inactivation Reduces Obesity And Improves Glucose Handling In Mice"

Second Place
Kei Takigawa, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
"Histopathological Analysis Of Interstitial Cells Of Cajal And Neuromuscular Bundles In Pyloric Smooth Muscle In Patients With Refractory Gastroparesis Versus Control"
SSCI Poster Awards

First Place - Akanksh Ramanand, MD, Ochsner Medical Center
"Vacuolated Acellular Casts Are A Distinct Type Of Urinary Casts Associated With Severe Nephrotic Glomerulopathy"
"ICU De-Escalation Times Pre And Post Transitionary Team Addition: Insight To A Possible Quality Improvement Project"Third Place - Claudia M. Díaz, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, and Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
"Coronavirus At The Heart Center Of Puerto Rico Incidence-Death: The Role Of Genetics"
SAFMR/SSCI Student Research Award Recipients

SAFMR/SSCI Junior Faculty and Trainee Research Award Recipients