SRM Awards
Listed below is a description of awards for which you may apply on the electronic submission form. Please choose the appropriate award on the pull-down menu if you are eligible and wish to receive an award. If the box is not checked, you will not be considered for an award. To be eligible for an award, you must apply at the time of abstract submission. You must choose only one award matching the award to the society(ies) to which you and your mentor belong. You must check all that apply since some are members of more than one society.
SSCI Awards
To be eligible for the SSCI awards, you or your mentor (in the case of students and trainees) should be a member in good standing of SSCI. To apply for SSCI membership, go to for information and to fill out the membership form.
The Nathan Solomon & Irene Oransky-Solomon Medical Student Research Awards
Two awards are offered to recognize and encourage excellence in investigation by medical students during research training. Eligibility: Medical Students or Combined MD/PhD Students who are in research training or were in research training as of June 2024 are eligible. The applicant must be the first author of the abstract submitted in competition for the awards and plan to present the paper during the scientific sessions of the Southern Regional Meetings. Please note that it is not necessary for the senior author to be a member of SSCI. Applicants for this award are encouraged to apply for the SSCI Student Award as well. For consideration of this award, the abstract has to suggest:
- investigator-initiated,
- hypothesis-driven basic, clinical or behavioral research,
- conducted in a mode of discovery,
- whose study design, findings and conclusions satisfied the proposed hypothesis, findings have or will have the potential to advance the practice of medicine.
SSCI Student Research Award
These awards recognize medical students and combined MD/PhD students who are currently in training and accomplished in research. The awardee must be the first author/presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation at the 2025 meeting. SSCI awardees must be present at the SSCI Plenary session to receive this award.
SSCI Trainee Research Award
These awards recognize residents and fellows who are currently in training and recognize excellence among these groups. The awardee must be the first author/presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation at the 2025 meeting. SSCI awardees must be present at the SSCI Plenary session to receive this award.
SSCI Young Faculty Research Award
The purpose of these awards is to stimulate participation by faculty at the instructor and assistant professor level. Awards will be given to the young investigators with the top rated abstract in each subspecialty as judged by a committee of the officers of SSCI. The awardee must be the first author/presenter of an abstract accepted for presentation at the 2025 meeting. SSCI awardees must be present at the SSCI Plenary session to receive this award. Only faculty at the instructor and assistant professor level are eligible for these awards.
Michael S. & Kathy J. Bronze Young Investigator Awards
The Michael S. & Kathy J. Bronze Young Investigator Awards are offered to recognize and encourage excellence in investigation by physicians and medical students during research training. Eligibility: combined MD/PhD students, interns, residents, and post-doctoral physicians who are in research training or were in research training as of June 2024 are eligible. Postdoctoral research training may be considered to extend for a period of up to three years and time spent in strictly clinical fellowships need not count against this. The applicant must be the first author of the abstract submitted in competition for the award and plan to present the paper during the scientific sessions of the Southern Regional Meetings. Please note that it is not necessary for the senior author to be a member of SSCI. Applicants for this award are encouraged to apply for the appropriate SSCI Award as well. For consideration of this award, the abstract has to suggest:
- investigator-initiated;
- hypothesis-driven basic, clinical or behavioral research;
- conducted in a mode of discovery;
- whose study design, findings and conclusions satisfied the proposed hypothesis; and
- findings have or will have the potential to advance the practice of medicine.
Nomination letters from the senior investigator or mentor and the division director or department chairman are required and should include a statement of the candidate's role in the study. The letters should be received no later than October 7, 2024 and uploaded via the ScholarOne website upon submission of your abstract. For further information contact Joan Kemp, Executive Director, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation:
SSCI Tinsley Harrison Scholars Program
We are seeking applications from physician-scientists at the following positions: senior Postdoctoral Fellows, Instructors, and first 5 years as Assistant Professor who primarily have a desire to pursue a research career. Scholars will participate in this innovative program as part of the Southern Regional Meeting (SRM) in New Orleans, February 13-15, 2025. Selected scholars will attend career development programming with division chiefs and leaders in academic medicine across subspecialties, present their original research, and be paired 1:1 with a mentor to help establish connections outside the scholar's home institution. Those accepted to the program will have their travel expenses (air fare, hotel and registration up to $1,500) reimbursed. This is the second year of the program. Scholars who participated in the 2024 program uniformly rated the program as outstanding and a fantastic opportunity to advance their careers. Come join the wonderful community of investigators in the lively setting of New Orleans!
To apply, please send Joan Kemp ( an updated CV and a statement (300 words or less) detailing your career goals and how participation as a Tinsley Harrison Scholar aligns with these goals. You must also submit an abstract of your original research for presentation at the SRM ( The deadline for submission of these documents is October 4, 2024.
Interested individuals do not need to be member of SSCI to apply but must join the SSCI in order to participate as a Tinsley Harrison Scholar. To receive reimbursement for your travels, Scholars must commit to attending all required activities of the SRM 2025 (February 13-15).
SSPR Awards
Listed below is a description of awards for which you may apply on the abstract electronic submission form. Please choose the appropriate award on the pull-down menu if you are eligible and wish to receive an award. If the box is not checked, you will not be considered for an award. To be eligible for an award, you must apply at the time of abstract submission. You must choose only one award matching the award to the society(ies) to which you and your mentor belong. You must choose one society.
These awards are for work intimately related to pediatric research. MUST be an SSPR member or have a sponsor who is an SSPR member. The candidates must check the appropriate award box in order to be considered. You cannot apply for the other society awards if applying for SSPR Awards. The Member/Sponsor name must also be filled in on the electronic submission form.
- SSPR Young Investigator Award: Eligible candidates include students, residents, fellows, and young faculty who are currently within 7 years of the completion of training. Candidates must check the appropriate award box in order to be considered. Research and Quality Improvement abstracts will be considered. Case reports are not eligible for this award. The nominee must be first author/presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation. A letter from the senior investigator or sponsor that includes a statement that the work was performed by the nominee and fully addresses the role the candidate had in the work must be received by October 4, 2024 and uploaded via the ScholarOne website upon submission of your abstract. The sponsor letter requirement is waived for young faculty but required for trainees. Finalists will be notified in December 2024 and will present the study results at the SSPR Plenary Session at the 2025 SRM meeting. They will be required to submit a one page narrative describing their work, along with their presentation slides, 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Finalists will receive a stipend of $500 to facilitate attendance at the meeting and will have their meeting registration paid by the SSPR. Contact Jay Kerecman MD, Secretary, SSPR, with questions regarding this award.
- SSPR Young Faculty Travel Award: This award is to facilitate travel for outstanding young faculty. Research and Quality Improvement abstracts will be considered. Case reports are not eligible for this award. The candidate must be an Instructor or Assistant Professor and within 7 years of the completion of fellowship training. They must be first author/presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation. Approximately 5 awardees will receive a travel stipend of $500. They will also have their meeting registration paid by the SSPR. Faculty that are candidates for the SSPR Young Investigator Awards will automatically be entered in this competition.
- SSPR/APA Trainee Travel Award: The candidate must be a student, resident, or fellow. They must be the first author/presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation. Approximately 25 candidates will receive a travel stipend of $500. Trainees that are candidates for the SSPR Young Investigator Awards will automatically be entered in this competition.