The American Journal of The Medical Sciences (AJMS), founded in 1820, is one of the oldest medical journals in the United States. The AJMS is the official journal of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI). The SSCI is dedicated to the advancement of medical research and the exchange of knowledge, information and ideas. Its members are committed to mentoring future generations of medical investigators and promoting careers in academic medicine. The AJMS publishes, on a monthly basis, peer-reviewed articles in the field of internal medicine and its subspecialties.
Letter From the Editor
Letter from the Editor - March 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of The American Journal of the Medical Sciences (AJMS) is to support the exchange of knowledge and information and to publish high quality clinical, basic, and education research. As the official Journal of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI), an academic organization, The AJMS will support the academic, educational, and medical research activities of the SSCI through the exchange of knowledge, information and ideas at the Southern Regional Meetings. Through these activities, the Journal will actively support mentoring, research activities and the scholarship of future generations of medical academicians.
Vision Statement
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences will be recognized as a premier medical journal for showcasing basic and clinical medical research, and advances in medical education. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences is the official Journal of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI) and is dedicated to supporting the academic agenda of the SSCI. The AJMS is committed to supporting and encouraging young investigators, mentoring future generations of these investigators, and promoting their careers in academic medicine.
Submission Categories
- Original Clinical and Translational Science Investigations
- Review Articles
- Online Images in the Medical Sciences
- Letters to the Editor
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Special Features
- Short Reviews
- History of Medicine
- The Science of Medical Education
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The AJMS Editorial Office
Jesse Roman, MD, Philadelphia, PA
Managing Editor
Christina Halcomb, MSM
Assisting Managing Editor
Kara Looney, MSM
Emeritus Editors
David W. Ploth, MD
Kent A. Kirchner, MD
Manuel Martinez-Maldonado, MD
Suzanne Oparil, MD
Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts
Ash Allan
Journal Manager
Wesley Jones
Translation, Rights & Licensing
800-523-4069 x3808
Reprint Sales
Derrick Imasa
Elsevier Business Office
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899