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Michael S. and Kathy J. Bronze Young Investigator Awards

The Michael S. and Kathy J. Bronze Young Investigator Awards are offered to recognize and encourage excellence in investigation by physicians and medical students during research training. Three awards are given ($1,000, $750, and $575).

Eligibility: combined MD/PhD students, interns, residents, and post-doctoral physicians who are in research training or were in research training as of June of the previous year are eligible. Postdoctoral research training may be considered to extend for a period of up to three years and time spent in strictly clinical fellowships need not count against this. The applicant must be the first author of the abstract submitted in competition for the award and plan to present the paper during the scientific sessions of the Southern Regional Meetings. Please note that it is not necessary for the senior author to be a member of SSCI. Applicants for this award are encouraged to apply for the appropriate SSCI Award as well.

For consideration of this award, the abstract has to suggest:

  1. investigator-initiated;
  2. hypothesis-driven basic, clinical or behavioral research;
  3. conducted in a mode of discovery;
  4. whose study design, findings and conclusions satisfied the proposed hypothesis; and
  5. findings have or will have the potential to advance the practice of medicine.

Nomination letters from the senior investigator, mentor, the division director or department chairman are required and should include a statement of the candidate's role in the study. The letters should be uploaded via the ScholarOne website upon submission of your abstract. Abstract will not be considered for award without the letters of support.

For further information contact Joan Kemp, Executive Director, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, email:

SSCI 2023 Young Investigators Award Recipients

SSCI 2023 Young Investigators Award - First Place

Naman Shetty, MBBS, University of Alabama Birmingham
"Incident Heart Failure Risk Reclassification with Race-Independent Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: An NHLBI Pooled Cohorts Analysis"

SSCI 2023 Young Investigators Award - Second Place

Jacob Park, Ochsner Clinical School, The University of Queensland
"Immobilization-Associated Hypercalcemia in the Hospital Setting: A Cohort Study"

SSCI 2023 Young Investigators Award - Third Place

Josean Flores Santiago, MD, Ochsner Medical Center, Southern Kidney Specialists
"Development of a Computational Modeling Tool for Automated Detection of Urinary Casts and Acanthocyte"

SSCI 2023 Young Investigator Award in General Internal Medicine

SSCI Young Investigator Award in General Internal Medicine

Nicole Dussault, MD, Duke University
"Internal Medicine Resident Barriers to Advanced Care Planning in the Primary Care Continuity Clinic"

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The SSCI Thanks Its Sponsors

  • Elsevier sponsors The Southern Society for Clinical Investigation