SSCI Early Career Council - Request for Applications
Deadline October 15
The SSCI Early Career Council is seeking to add additional members to the Council. We are soliciting interest from members who are six years or less from completing their training to serve on the Council. Early Career Council members will serve 3-year terms, with the possibility of serving a 4th year as Chair of the Council. The Council's goal is to engage and grow the early career membership of the SSCI, and we are looking for members who have ideas about how to increase early faculty membership in the SSCI.
Those who are interested in serving on the Council should submit an application consisting of a CV, a personal letter of intent, and a letter of recommendation from a current SSCI Fellow. These applications will be reviewed and voted upon by the Early Career Council and Membership Committee with final approval by the SSCI Officers and Council.
Applications and questions should be sent to Joan Kemp at The deadline for applications is October 15.