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6359 Tribute Lane
Dora, AL 35062

Phone: 205-648-8429
Cell: 205-566-6090

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Educational Exchange Program (EEP)

The SSCI is dedicated to the advancement of medical research and the exchange of knowledge, information and ideas. Its members are committed to mentoring future generations of medical investigators and promoting careers in academic medicine. The aim of the program is to provide subspecialty lectures to requesting internal medicine residency programs throughout the Southeast as well as nationwide. This program utilizes virtual platforms to provide live didactic lectures as requested by the individual residency program's curricular needs.

EEP Speakers Bureau

FIRST NAMELAST NAMEInstitutionArea of Expertise
MohamedShoreibah UABDecompensated Cirrhosis
William Kilgo USAMultiple Sclerosis
Ramzi Mulki UABManagement of Acute Pancreatitis
JessicaHoward-AndersonEmoryHealthcare Associated Infections
ShajanPeterUABApproach of GI Bleeding
SergioSanchez LunaUABInnovations in Endoscopy
MelisaCortezUniversity of UtahNeurology
WilliamKilgoUSASpinal cord disorders
ChaoHeUABCritical care medicine or Pulmonary fibrosis
PriyankaMajetyVCU Health Inpatient diabetes mangement
Priyanka MajetyVCU Health SGLT2i and euglycemic DKA
Priyanka MajetyVCU Health Hypercalcemia
WinnSeayUABAcid/base, hypo/hypernatremia, GN for internist

Request to be Added to EEP Speakers Bureau

Are you interested in being a speaker to present for a program? If so, click the following link to submit your information:

Institutions Requesting an Educational Program

UAB Hunstville
Memorial Health System
Northside Georgia
HCA Helathcare El Paso
Magnolia Regional Health Center (Corinth)
Golden Triangle Internal Medicine Residency (Columbus)


Is your institution interested in requesting a speaker for a didactic lecture? If so, click the link below to submit a request.


The SSCI Thanks Its Sponsors

  • Elsevier sponsors The Southern Society for Clinical Investigation